How many chakras are there 7 or 114 ?

Do you know how many chakras are there in human body? There are 114 chakras in human body. However, for simplicity, the 7 major chakras are most popular. Let’s talk about the chakras. What is it? How does it matter? What do you need to do with them? Finally, we will find out what is the optimum number of chakras in the human body.


Life is a dance; mindfulness is witnessing that dance. — Amit Ray Mindfulness involves acceptance, meaning that we pay attention to our thoughts and feelings without judging them—without believing, for instance, that there’s a “right” or “wrong” way to think or feel in a given moment. The opposite of mindfulness is forgetfulness. Mindfulness is when you are truly there, … Read more

Effects of Mindfulness Meditation on the Brain

Mindfulness meditation affect the white matter as well as gray matter in the brain. Researchers observed that eight weeks of mindfulness meditation can actually change the structure of the brain. To get the benefits, you just need to practice 10 to 40 minutes of mindfulness meditation a day at home or office. Mindfulness meditation is … Read more

Top Ten Steps for Workplace Spirituality

  Have you ever felt workplace spirituality movement? Workplace spirituality involves a sense of wholeness, connectedness at work, and deeper values. If you’re stressed out, worried, fearful or lonely, the impact is not only on your health but also on the performance of the company. This article is for people who need to get information, support … Read more

Compassion Meditation How It Affects Our Brains

Compassion are supported by different biological systems and neural networks of the brain. Compassion based meditation practices can reduce pain, and can promote positive emotions and social closeness, which in turn can improve mental and physical health. Helping others and doing random acts of kindness releases endorphins in our brain that help us feel good, and … Read more

Telomeres for Reversing the Aging Process

Aging is inevitable. But your biological age can be quite different from your chronological age, and your telomeres have a lot to do with your biological aging. Everyday our DNA suffers millions of damaging. Fortunately, our cells have powerful mechanisms to repair those damages. However, when the telomere becomes too short, it can no longer … Read more

Meditation and Oxytocin to Boost Positive Emotions

Meditation and oxytocin hormone are linked with positive emotions. Meditation generates oxytocin hormone and the oxytocin generates positive emotions.  Emotional warmth associated with loving kindness meditation (LKM) produces the hormone, oxytocin. The most common positive emotions as joy, gratitude, serenity, interest, hope, pride, amusement, inspiration, awe and love. What is  Oxytocin? Generally, oxytocin is a hormone produced … Read more

Meditation to Overcome Stress and Inflammation

Meditation significantly reduces the state anxiety in every session you meditate. The exact mechanism by which meditation reduces stress and enhances immunity remains unclear, but its basic principles are understood. Stress and Inflammation are directly related. Stress! Constant psychological, emotional or physical stress raises the level of cortisol, and creates inflammation. Mindfulness meditation along with cascaded Om … Read more

How Meditation Alters Gene Expression

Meditation is the most effective and easy way to alter the gene expression. The meditation techniques like mindfulness meditation, om meditation and vipassana meditation is closely related to change the gene expression.  Meditation can make our gene  turned “on” or turned “off”. Om meditation has several techniques that works in target specific gene expression. Genes … Read more

Five Home Remedies for Lowering Blood Sugar, Triglycerides and Cholesterol

How to control high blood sugar, triglycerides, and cholesterol? This article discusses five herbal remedies for controlling insulin, cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Unhealthy lifestyle, junk food, processed sugars, trans-fat and additives, bad posture and limited to no physical activity all leads to insulin resistance and high blood sugar, triglycerides, and cholesterol. In this article we discuss five home remedies … Read more