Ten Principles for a Happy and Stress free Life
Stress is clinically defined as how our minds react to certain experiences. We always have the choice to respond a little more thoughtfully, a little more wisely to any even in our lives. A little change in our behavior and attitude can make a great difference in our lives. Here are ten principles to live a happy and stress-free life.
Become your best friend. You are here on earth to live your life and not others, — not even the lives of your children. You are here to learn to love yourself. It is important to understand that love doesn’t come from outside. It comes from within. If we believe that we can compensate our lack of love for us through somebody else’s we are living in illusions.
Everything looks better when you are healthy and your body feels well. Your body is the shrine of your soul. Spare some time everyday for the well-being of your body. Do some walking, jogging, aerobics, yoga, exercises or tai-Chi. Your body will thank you. Take note of your posture- of how you sit, work or walk. Postures are important key to health.