List of Longevity Genes – A Must Read for Longevity

Scientists are trying to pin point the genes responsible for longevity. There are about 200 genes that are directly associated with longevity. Twenty of them are very prominent. Out of these 20 longevity genes, IGF-1, FOXO3A, NF-kB, AMTP, CETP, SIRTUIN are most prominent. We think that, out of these six, SIRTUIN and FOXO families have major impact on longevity. In this article we will discuss more about these six prominent genes.

Aging has normally been thought to be due to ‘wear and tear’. However, this view has changed. The interaction between genes, metabolism, and natural variations in longevity is an enormously complex subject. We all know that genetics, environmental risks, lifestyle, and strong social bonds are the major factors that helps people to live longer. Longevity has a strong genetic component. However, this view is also gradually fading away. The genetic underpinnings of longevity are real — it’s just that they’re far richer and more complex than we anticipated. The aging process is likely the result of tens, or hundreds, or even thousands of closely intertwined genetic factors. Here is the list of longevity genes.

Meditation for Beginners

Welcome to the meditation for beginners Quick-Start Series. In this first series of lessons we are going to help you learn meditation. If you already have experience with meditation this series will help you to go into deeper aspect of meditation.  Everyone has their own reasons for meditation. Some people do meditation for physical well-being. Some … Read more

Yoga Poses to Improve Immune System Through Lymph Drainage

Ten yoga poses for the lymphatic system and immunity improvement are discussed. These yoga poses improves the immune system through lymph drainage. The lymphatic system plays a vital role by removing wastes and toxins from the body and in maintaining its immunity against pathogens. It does this by moving the lymph fluid towards the neck. Lymp is a water like fluid containing water, proteins and other substances. It drains the excess interstitial fluid, excess proteins and toxic substances from between the cells. Yoga poses help to move and drain out the excess lymph. The healthy functioning of the lymphatic system can be hindered or stopped due to factors such as venous insufficiency, stress, chemical overload, injuries, age, lack of activity and increased consumption of food additives. These ten yoga exercises with healthy lifestyle improves the flow of lymph and enhances the immune system.

How to Increases the Volume of the Hippocampus

Hippocampus volume loss is the most common problem among older adults. However, there are many ways that can increase the volume of the hippocampus. Scientific studies observed that yoga, aerobic exercise training is effective at reversing hippocampal volume loss in late adulthood. As we age, the ends of our chromosomes — called telomeres — become … Read more

Sirtuins for Restoring Youthfulness and Extending Longevity

Emerging from current research on the sirtuins there is a growing appreciation that the sirtuins are playing major roles in regulating cell proliferation, cell survival and apoptosis (programmed cell death). Sirtuins block multiple key processes in neurodegeneration. Sirtuins restore protein homeostasis by reducing accumulation of toxic proteins, improve neural plasticity by elevating transcription of genes, enhance mitochondria function by reducing oxidative stress, and suppress sustained chronic inflammation with epigenetic mechanisms. In this article we review the role sirtuin genes for restoring youthfulness and extending longevity. Telomere attrition has been shown to be accelerated by oxidative stress and inflammation. SIRT3 expression increases by exercise, fasting and caloric restriction and decreased by high-fat diet. SIRT1 genes are linked in inflammatory responses. SIRT1 can block the neuropathogenic inflammatory loops.

How to Live Longer Life to the Fullest

The science behind long, happy and healthy life is continuously emerging. The maximum lifespan of human being is about 120 years. How to increase that? How to add more life into those years? How can we preserve our youth? What cause aging? Can human bodies become immortal? These are the most fundamental questions in biology. Aging is almost universal, but the causes of aging are complex. The rate of aging also differs from person to person. Scientific evidence suggests that proper diet, regular exercise, regular learning and calorie restriction, during middle age and beyond is enormously effective to promote health and disease free life. Through discipline life, it is possible to make the rejuvenation and extend lifespan and possible to achieve stop senescence, reverse aging or at least significantly delay it.

Impact of Meditation on Brain Structure

Angular Gyrus

Effect of meditation on the brain structure can be broken up into two categories: short-term changes and long-term changes. In this article we focused our attention both on short term and the long term impact of meditation on brain structure. There are three types of meditation practices. The first is the Open Monitoring or Mindfulness … Read more

Ten Principles for a Happy and Stress free Life

Stress is clinically defined as how our minds react to certain experiences. We always have the choice to respond a little more thoughtfully, a little more wisely to any even in our lives. A little change in our behavior and attitude can make a great difference in our lives. Here are ten principles to live a happy and stress-free life.
Become your best friend. You are here on earth to live your life and not others, — not even the lives of your children. You are here to learn to love yourself. It is important to understand that love doesn’t come from outside. It comes from within. If we believe that we can compensate our lack of love for us through somebody else’s we are living in illusions.
Everything looks better when you are healthy and your body feels well. Your body is the shrine of your soul. Spare some time everyday for the well-being of your body. Do some walking, jogging, aerobics, yoga, exercises or tai-Chi. Your body will thank you. Take note of your posture- of how you sit, work or walk. Postures are important key to health.

Yoga and Meditation to Improve Brain Fitness

Brain Fitness and Yoga The more complex the yoga posture, the more complex the synaptic connections. Just as yoga postures and exercises reverse the decaying process of the muscles, almost in a similar way they slow or reverse the process of brain’s physical decay. Yoga influences the brain on numerous ways. Yoga postures releases a … Read more

Meditation and Yoga for Improving Emotional-Intelligence and Leadership Skills

Meditation and Yoga has an important role for building emotional-intelligence and leadership skills for corporate people as well as for the individuals in every social endeavor. Meditation and yoga improves our alertness, personal values and beliefs. They help building strength, character, good relationships with others, our connection to the Nature and beyond. Emotional intelligence brings compassion, love, sharing, caring and humanity to the business and work areas. ..
Our self-control, attention, and memory are all reduced by the excessive and chronic release of adrenaline in the system. Excessive stress deprives the brain of the oxygen needed to keep our thinking calm and rational. Thus excessive stress reduces our emotional awareness. Hence, with chronic stress we can’t focus our attention and we lose our ability to identify our own emotions and those of others….

Yoga trains us to pay attention specifically to the feelings in the body during the movement. For effective emotional intelligence we need to bring our awareness first to the body and then to the mind. Yoga prepares us for building body-intelligence. Body-intelligence includes the successful processing and interpretation of information from all our senses and responses.

Meditation increases self-awareness. It helps us to breathe slowly, which keeps us relaxed and allow us to listen better. With the increase of self-awareness we manage our behavior and we don’t say things impulsively that will get us in difficulty.