Six Posture Correction Yoga Poses

How you look and feel is directly related to your posture. Despite the importance of having good posture, most of us don’t do anything to improve it. We go about our lives with forward head, curved backs and imbalanced hips, and deal with pain because we think it’s normal. If you haven’t been paying attention to … Read more

Diaphragmatic Breathing Benefits

Diaphragmatic yoga breathing allows one to take normal breaths while maximizing the amount of oxygen that goes into the bloodstream. In yoga, diaphragmatic breathing is different from abdominal breathing or belly breathing. Here, the main muscle for breathing is the diaphragm. In yoga diaphragmatic breathing, the movement will be only on the diaphragm muscles and … Read more

Meditation and Rich-Club Connectivity Hubs

Recent scientific studies on meditation demonstrated that rich club brain network have a key role to play in making global communication and information integration during meditation. The human brain is a complex network of interlinked regions. Scientific studies on meditation demonstrated that the anatomical network of the human brain shows a “rich-club” organization. The aim … Read more

Brain Network Hub Connectivity during Meditation

How meditation work in our brain? How brain network hubs interacts? This article identify the major brain regions and their dynamic connectivity during meditation. Brain network connectivity approaches to meditation neuroscience are currently accelerating at a rapid pace, propelled by the availability of ‘big fMRI data’, an expanding computational infrastructure, and the formation of large-scale … Read more

Top Ten Sirtuin Foods for Good Health

Scientists observed that Sirtuin foods or sirtfoods have enormous health benefits. These foods increase longevity and quality of life. Recent research demonstrated that caloric restriction along with “sirtfoods” is the elixir of long life. Researchers are in search of sirtuin activator supplements. However, there many natural foods, which can naturally and easily activate the sirtuins. In this article, we discussed top ten natural sirtun activating foods.

List of Longevity Genes – A Must Read for Longevity

Scientists are trying to pin point the genes responsible for longevity. There are about 200 genes that are directly associated with longevity. Twenty of them are very prominent. Out of these 20 longevity genes, IGF-1, FOXO3A, NF-kB, AMTP, CETP, SIRTUIN are most prominent. We think that, out of these six, SIRTUIN and FOXO families have major impact on longevity. In this article we will discuss more about these six prominent genes.

Aging has normally been thought to be due to ‘wear and tear’. However, this view has changed. The interaction between genes, metabolism, and natural variations in longevity is an enormously complex subject. We all know that genetics, environmental risks, lifestyle, and strong social bonds are the major factors that helps people to live longer. Longevity has a strong genetic component. However, this view is also gradually fading away. The genetic underpinnings of longevity are real — it’s just that they’re far richer and more complex than we anticipated. The aging process is likely the result of tens, or hundreds, or even thousands of closely intertwined genetic factors. Here is the list of longevity genes.

Effect of Meditation on Cortical Thickness of the Brain

Scientific evidence suggests that meditation alters the functional and structural plasticity of the brain. In the milestone study, Sara Lazar, et al. in 2005, demonstrated that meditation increases the cortical thickness of the brain. Since then a large number of studies, mostly with varying sample sizes are conducted to identify the relationship between meditation techniques and development of cortical thickness in different brain areas. The results have been remarkably consistent. There is increasing evidence that the insula undergoes structural refinement through meditation. Meditation stops insular cortical thinning process. Insular cortical thinning occurs due to age and depression. In this article we focus on the impact of meditation on overall cortical thickness of the brain. Advancements in developmental biology, neuroscience, and medical imaging have brought us closer than ever to understand the effect of meditation on brain.

There are several meditation methods, such as Yoga, Om meditation, Zen, mindfulness, breathing awareness, and Samatha. Specially, Om chanting and meditation has several benefits. The chanting of Om improves the somatic relaxation and the meditation on the meaning of Om increase cognitive relaxation. Special cognitive relaxation of Om meditation and somatic relaxation of Om chanting improves the cortical characteristics of the brain. Moreover, the practice of Om improve immune competence, especially in older populations who often experience a loss of immune function. Om mantra stabilizes the fight-and-flight response of the amygdala. Which improves the gyrification and cerebral characteristics.

Meditation for Beginners

Welcome to the meditation for beginners Quick-Start Series. In this first series of lessons we are going to help you learn meditation. If you already have experience with meditation this series will help you to go into deeper aspect of meditation.  Everyone has their own reasons for meditation. Some people do meditation for physical well-being. Some … Read more

Yoga Poses to Improve Immune System Through Lymph Drainage

Ten yoga poses for the lymphatic system and immunity improvement are discussed. These yoga poses improves the immune system through lymph drainage. The lymphatic system plays a vital role by removing wastes and toxins from the body and in maintaining its immunity against pathogens. It does this by moving the lymph fluid towards the neck. Lymp is a water like fluid containing water, proteins and other substances. It drains the excess interstitial fluid, excess proteins and toxic substances from between the cells. Yoga poses help to move and drain out the excess lymph. The healthy functioning of the lymphatic system can be hindered or stopped due to factors such as venous insufficiency, stress, chemical overload, injuries, age, lack of activity and increased consumption of food additives. These ten yoga exercises with healthy lifestyle improves the flow of lymph and enhances the immune system.

Yoga Poses to Boost Immune System

Yoga poses work both at cellular and molecular levels to boost immunity system of our body. NF-kB system is the master regulator of our immunity. Yoga exercise inhibit NF-κB signaling at various control points to enhance immune system. Thymus gland is responsible for building strong immune system. Proper yoga exercises strengthen and stimulates the thymus activities. Dynamic yoga poses are the best way to improve immunity. Exactly how yoga poses and breathing exercises inhibit NF-KB activities and improve immunity is under scientific investigation. In this review we will focus on the yoga poses that have direct impact on immunobiology. Physical and mental stress increases the release of cortisol and adrenaline and decreases immune system’s ability to fight infection. However, moderate levels of yoga practices reduces the stress hormones and increases the immune system’s ability to fight against infections like cold and flu.Most of the decline in immune system function is a direct result of degradation of the thymus gland. The shrinking of the thymus gland with age, resulting in changes in the architecture of the thymus and a decrease in tissue mass. Thymus gland is the master of the hormones and the immunity booster. Yoga stimulates the thymus gland which builds immunity and massages the lungs, heart, bronchial tubes. Yoga practice can help our cells to fight against harmful microorganisms and viruses by boosting our immune system, reducing stress and strengthening our body functions and systems. Here are five user-friendly yoga poses to increase your immunity.